Thinking About Self-Publishing? Read This First

Self-publishing is one of the easiest ways to throw your written work into circulation. Similar to what we do at Edmonton Small Press, self-publishing imposes few creative limitations and almost no publication drawbacks. However, writers looking to self-publish their work should weigh the pros and cons carefully before making a decision. Below, we have outlined several important factors to understand before jumping into the world of self-publishing.

Self-publishing allows for more creative freedom, but you won’t get any professional feedback. Writers may enjoy the ability to control every part of the creation and publication process, but they will not receive the services offered by professional editors. An editor is an essential tool, as their removed perspective can offer invaluable insight regarding both global and local aspects of your writing.

You control the format and artwork, but you also do all the work. Both small and large publishers work with authors and artists to create the book jacket and cover art. When you self-publish, the task falls on your shoulders (or on the shoulders of the freelance artist you hire). If you don’t know how to use PhotoShop or another illustrating software, you’ll likely have to spend money on the service.

Your market reach will be stunted, but you will receive 100% net royalties. With the aid of Amazon, self-published work can now reach a broader audience. However, this online platform still pales in comparison to the marketing and distribution services provided by traditional publishing venues. However, though your profits will likely be small, you keep everything you make; a published would normally take a share of revenue.